Expert guide: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery 2015 4 June 2015 June 2015 5 Introduction Introduction A fter the UK government en-gaged in serious debate – even commissioning Profes-sor Sir Bruce Keogh to conduct a de-tailed review in 2013 – it appeared as though the cosmetic and plastic surgery industry was finally about to receive regulation befitting a multi-billion dollar industry. Unfortunate-ly very little progress has been made with regards to tangible evidence to an improved regulatory landscape and sadly the United Kingdom is not alone in this plight. As such, choos-ing a surgery currently remains the key to making sure your plastic sur-gery goes well – as pointed out by Dr J Plastic Surgery within this guide.It is always important to know who will be conducting your procedure but it becomes ever more imperative when it regards innovative or newly developed procedures. We are wit-nessing a noticeable increase in hair transplant surgery including patients seeking eyebrow augmentation and – to a lesser extent – eyelash, beard and moustache transplants. With this unusual specialty we are delight-ed to be able to include an article by Greg Williams, the only member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons who is a full time hair transplant surgeon, to shed light on this growing trend.In terms of procedure trends mini-mally invasive procedures have in-creased significantly, while plastic surgery growth has been modest as men and women alike are increas-ingly looking towards anti-ageing treatments such as injections. Also, more and more people are looking for the Kim Kardashian look as but-tocks are getting bigger. However, breast augmentation still remains the most popular cosmetic surgi-cal procedure performed and in this guide we have included an article on the current challenges and compli-cations facing surgeons.Editor In Chief James Drakeford