Expert guide: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery 2015 10 June 2015 June 2015 11 when it comes to effective skincare treatments. Solution for Scars ™ works completely differently and far more effectively than some of the existing products on the market. It is designed to alter the healing process to the benefit of patients. Solid sci-entific research, harnessing the very best that nature can offer underpins its development. We are a long way from achieving the holy grail of scar-less healing, but Solution for Scars ™ marks a new milestone in manipulat-ing the way scars heal. It will, hope-fully, provide a springboard for fur-ther research into new ways of con-trolling poor scarring. united kingdom Douglas McGeorge is a leading, UK plastic surgeon. Based in Chester, he is on the Council of the British Asso-ciation of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, (BAAPS) and was President of the As-sociation between 2006 and 2008.Along with Dr Ardeshir Bayat, a clini-cal researcher and one of the most cited authors on wound healing, he started Science of Skin Ltd to research new ways of improving scarring.