Expert guide: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery 2015 22 June 2015 June 2015 23 ExpErt guidE:dEntistry 2014 10 August 2014 August 2014 11 Two years ago I integrated the Can-fied Vectra XT ™ 3D imaging system into my practice. Surgical scaffolds for our stem cells currently include processed fat, PRP, synthetic fillers, textured implants and last year we were the first to use silk mesh (Seri ™) as a stem cell scaffold. This combi-nation was applied in a major breast salvage procedure thereby avoiding a major autologous flap procedure.The patient shown in Fig 1. benefited from several advanced technologies which I have been instrumental in developing during the past six years. These include the SlimLipo non-sur-gical breast lift and body sculpting laser. I was one of the first to inte-grate Palomar’s SlimLipo laser plat-form into my practice and pioneered its use in the breast. 3D imaging, Natrelle ™ 410 gummy bear implants and Seri ™ silk scaffold were also uti-lised. Finally, 80 million counted vi-able stem cells were added to the silk mesh scaffold which resulted in 10 mm or more of native tissue regen-eration.“Our team at CSN of Florida are treating arthritic joints and sports in-juries. In the near future we will be treating spines, neurologic disorders, spinal injuries, myocardial infarc-tions, erectile disorder, interstitial cystitis and a host of other conditions utilising the patient’s own fat derived stem cells.USA We are also on the fast track to inte-grate advanced 3D imaging with 3D printers so that we can possibly print out ears, knee menisci, heart valves and a host of other tissues with a liv-ing ink. In my opinion, this is one of the major frontiers of medicine.Why is a plastic surgeon the medi-cal director/team leader of the stem cell team? Nobel laureate Dr. Joseph Murray, with a team of 10 different specialists, performed the first kid-ney transplant in 1954. Dr. Murray was a plastic surgeon.Fig 1.Lewis J. Obi M.D., FRSA, is a board certified plastic surgeon who estab-lished the first licensed plastic surgery centre in Florida. More recently he established a unique stem cell centre, Cell Surgical Network of Florida. As an innovator, he has pioneered many procedures and recently worked ex-tensively with lasers and also stem cells derived from adult fat. He has lectured internationally on these top-ics. His love and passion for art ex-pressed through his international firm of Obiarts resulted in the induction of Dr. Obi as a fellow to the Royal Society of Art, London (FRSA) in 1986. Obi-arts has contributed world class art to dozens of major museums and institu-tions.usa