Expert guide: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery 2015 24 June 2015 June 2015 25 P lastic surgery is more popular and socially accepted than ever before, but it’s easy to under-stand why patients contemplating a procedure are still often concerned about pursuing it. The vast major-ity of plastic surgeries produce posi-tive outcomes, but we all hear the barrage of criticism facing certain celebrities as well as the horror sto-ries that have sparked “Botched,” a televi-sion show about re-versing procedures gone wrong. Bev-erly Hills-based plas-tic surgeon Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., has performed his share of successful revision procedures, but he knows from experience that it’s far better to avoid problems in the first place. After making an initial decision to get a procedure, making sure you se-lect the right physician is clearly the most important decision a prospec-tive plastic surgery patient has to make.Dr. J, as he is known more casual-ly to patients and colleagues, notes that it’s important for anyone con-sidering a procedure with a surgeon to check that he or she is board certi-fied. It’s also important to make sure they have handled your type of pro-cedure previously with satisfactory results. In the case of Dr. J, he is ac-tually double board certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery, and has met both of these well-known organisa-tions’ strict criteria. Patients who want to know about his past work can take a look at pages such as those featuring rhinoplasty before and after pictures, to see the posi-tive results of nose jobs performed for former patients. Other pages fea-ture the results of patients who have volunteered to share their pictures following the full run of procedures, including tummy tucks, liposuction, breast/buttock, augmentation, ear pinning and more. Dr. J +1 310 993 3800 Choosing a Surgeon Correctly is the Key to Making Sure Your Plastic Surgery Goes Well Dr. J Plastic Surgery usa Another important aspect of mak-ing sure the operation goes well is to make sure you fully understand the most likely outcomes of your proce-dures. Reputable plastic surgeons like Dr. J generally make a point of looking at a patient’s overall situa-tion closely to ensure that they are likely to benefit. They also make a point of clearly explaining just how a patient’s recovery will go and the most likely final outcomes. That way, patients have a realistic idea of what to expect – an important prerequi-site for patient satisfaction following a procedure. Whether you are intrigued by the re-sults on Dr. J’s page of buttock aug-mentation before and after pictures or interested in facelift, blepharo-plasty (eyelid lift), liposuction, or any other procedure, Dr. J and his team would like to hear from you. For further information on a free initial consultation in which you can explore whether a plastic surgery would be for you, please call +001 310-993-3800 or visit his website at